Europe Day at the Institute of Power Engineering

Europe Day at the Institute of Power Engineering

On 14.05.2021, the Institute of Power Engineering subordinated to the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research, on the occasion of Europe Day, organized two information sessions, launched by the slogan # Together stronger and moderate by the Director of the institute, Mr. Mihai TÎRȘU.

Among the many interesting presentations Mr. Nicolae COVALENCO, Project Manager within the Romania - Republic of Moldova ENI-Cross Border Cooperation Program, by presenting "Research and promotion of efficient energy generation through trigeneration and use of renewable solar resources to obtain electricity, heat and cold and the purchase of equipment ”brought a very successful example in the area of ​​the contributions of leading technologies in the field of energy for the transposition of environmental protection, mitigation and adaptation to climate change. The event ended with a discussion session, questions and answers.
